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.Monday, May 16, 2011 ' 9:50 PM Photobucket

love/hate/afraid/no guts.

everyone has their own thinking.
if u are ready to listen then don't ask.
why even bother asking when u can't accept others' thinking or rather if u always think that u are right.
i'm quite sick of it.
stop telling people to think, the way u think!
yes i have no freaking guts to say this to u... cause i know no matter what u have your reasons and i am in no freaking mood to hear it.
seriously, just because u are in a prestige profession everything u say got to be right.
excuse me, it's because u have your reason to it.
BUT what we say we have our reasonings too, which may not sound reasonable to u..

seriously is there something wrong with me today? or what?
f***** up..

♥, yours truely

. ' 9:30 PM Photobucket

seriously f***** up.

seriously, what's freaking wrong with me.
and maybe u too.

i just feel like having to to f*** off.
i hate it.

it's because i'm carrying too much stuff on my shoulder?
i feel out of breath.
i'm just trying to accomdate everyone.
is that too much to carry? am i not capable?

i know i got to be strong. i know that.
especially in the profession i want to be in. i ought to be strong.

i need someone to be supportive. if u aint pls kindly f*** off. yes u..

♥, yours truely

.Wednesday, May 04, 2011 ' 3:29 PM Photobucket

i'm back.

there are many issues going on.
first and foremost is the GE (General Election).
It seems to me that Singapore is in a chaos. It's just a matter of time I guess. Even many of the civilised/respected people aint talking any sense and treat this matter professionally. Every meetings/gatherings I go, everyone is talking about it. All I do was to sit and listen, no comments given, maybe i'll acknowledge alittle here and there.

FYI, i'm under Tanjong Pager.
remarks were given, such as people in TJP doesn't play apart in Singapore's future for the next 5 years; there are also positive comments that TPJ people are lucky.

I'm not leaving any comments.

I'm really wondering what will happen to Singapore next year...

I've also become more optimistic, ever since the incidents of the 14 years old Thai girl and the series of events that Japan faces. This is life & reality we just have to accept it and move on. Be strong, be brave and take every step with care...

♥, yours truely

.Wednesday, February 09, 2011 ' 11:42 PM Photobucket


doesn't mean i didn't blog means i've been happy.

many things on-going on my head! yes i'm irritated with myself. sigh.

i hate blogger for not allowing me to upload beautiful pictures that was taken during the ECP camping.

i need some space alone.

till then.

♥, yours truely

.Monday, December 27, 2010 ' 12:33 AM Photobucket

bad christmas

I'm ain't happy at all. Totally. Somehow I hate my Christmas this year...

Yes till now I'm not happy. I'm really wondering if it can last. I hate myself. Seriously. I'm pissed. Fuck is the word to use as least to describe how I'm feeling now. Seriously I don't think I need u. So Fuck off. U don't know me at all. I need nobody.
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♥, yours truely

Speak Up ,

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Yours Truely ,

min fen ♥ 敏芬

5th july '88
River Valley pri
Queensway Sec
Ngee Ann Poly
James Cook University

Monash University

i'm kinda contented
though i love the way i'm, i'm still changing for the better.

never judge a book by it's cover

Always Remember ,

life is too short.
grudges are a waste of perfect happiness
laugh when you can
apologise when you should
love deeply and forgive quickly
life is too short to be unhappy
love what you've
remember what you'd
always forgive
never forget
learn from your mistake
never regret.

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